Matthew 15:9
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Be careful how you worship God. You need to seperate the doctrines of men and the doctrine of God. There are many wolves in sheeps clothing (Matt 7:15) and not all shepherds are from God (Isa 56:11).
Open your Bible, read, and STUDY. Don't depend on others to give you their interpretation without researching it yourself.
If you really care about your relationship with will search the scriptures for Him.
(Hint: The scriptures contain both the OLD and the New Testement)
Be careful how you worship God. You need to seperate the doctrines of men and the doctrine of God. There are many wolves in sheeps clothing (Matt 7:15) and not all shepherds are from God (Isa 56:11).
Open your Bible, read, and STUDY. Don't depend on others to give you their interpretation without researching it yourself.
If you really care about your relationship with will search the scriptures for Him.
(Hint: The scriptures contain both the OLD and the New Testement)
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